
Transnomino offers a set of renaming actions, ranging from simple text replacements to more complex replacements using regular expressions (regex). Any number of these actions can be placed in sequence and you can directly preview the results while you create them. Renaming sequences can be saved as a recipe to be re-used later.

Made with Microsoft Sway. Create and share interactive reports, presentations, personal stories, and more. Transnomino can rename the files using one of the EXIF tags, like the Make or Model of the camera that took the picture. For example you will get: DSCNIKON0001.jpg and DSCCANON0001.jpg. You can even use this to put each photo in a separate folder if you like; Transnomino supports Path renaming as well.

Numbering can be added to the beginning or end of the filename. It's possible to exactly specify the number of digits to allow for better sorting of the files by filename. The files in the list can be dragged and dropped to change the order.

Free Mac Renamer

Descarga fiable para Mac de Transnomino GRATIS-5.3. Descarga libre de virus y 100% limpia. Consigue Transnomino descargas alternativas. A versatile macOS menu bar utility designed to copy your Apple contacts (address book, iCloud or E. Apr 16th 2021, 16:15 GMT macOS 10.13 or later (Intel only).

All renaming actions can be applied to the Name, Path or Extension of the files


Transnomino supports insertions of File Attributes from the files like: EXIF, ID3, FLAC. And if EXIF GPS Longitude and Latitude data is available it is even able to use this information to lookup Address information.


Transnomino Windows

  • Simple find / replace (with wildcard support)
  • Find / replace with Regular expressions
  • Case changes, such as upper/lower-case and capitalize
    • all uppercase
    • all lowercase
    • capitalize each word
    • capitalize first word of the filename
  • Numbering
  • Prefix/Suffix and Setting of filenames
  • Removal of diacritics