There are so many different types of writing software in the market today that it can be a chore finding the one that best suits your needs. So over the next few weeks, I’ll be taking a look at some of the more popular tools available to us as writers. This week it’s the turn of word processing and note-taking applications.
From the Import Notes dialog, select Evernote. By default your notes will be imported into your current library. But you can click right under the dialog header to specify the library you'd like the imported notebooks created in. Then click on Connect Evernote account to login to your Evernote account and grant Notejoy access to Evernote. For writers and authors, Ulysses is a notes app that will replace your word processor 99% of the time. Fully-featured and elegant, it is a very power writing app. Export in various file formats, including text, HTML, ePub, PDF, and DOCX, plus a number of export styles.
Disclaimer: While I acknowledge that there are many more applications out there (OpenOffice and Storyist to name a couple), I’m only discussing the ones I’ve used personally. I, as an individual, and Sarcastic Muse, as an entity, are in no way affiliated with any of the below companies beyond having purchased their products.
1. Scrivener (Windows and Mac) – $45/£33.90 exc. Tax – Literature and Latte
Scrivener is so well know amongst writers that its name is almost synonymous with writing software. A behemoth of a program, Scrivener offers an all inclusive plotting, writing, and publishing package and, with so many users out there, it’s now so simple to find a template that suits your writing needs.
Key features:
- Distraction-free writing,
- Cork board,
- Scratch pad,
- Scriptwriting functionality,
- Statistics and targets.
Free trial available.
2. Ulysses (Mac and iOS) – From $44.99/£34.99 – The Soulmen GbR
Ulysses is the distraction-free writer to end all distraction-free writers. The concept of this program is simple — you only need concern yourself with the words. Ulysses developers have removed all the complicated toolbars of the WYSIWYG editors, leaving behind a clean working area for you and your words.
Key features:
- Built-in file library — all your documents in one place,
- Seamless iCloud/Dropbox sync — take your writing with you,
- Goals and statistics,
- Downloadable themes and styles to quickly edit and publish.
Free trial available.
3. Novlr (web based) – From $10/£7 per month – Novlr LTD
Don’t let the fact that Novlr is a web-based writing program put you off. It’s functionality is easily the rival of some of the big hitters out there and the cross-platform capabilities are astounding. With a beautiful, minimalist writing area, offline writing mode, and room to store an entire library of works in progress, you’ll never have a problem snatching moments to work on your novel.
Key features:
- Constant access to all your words — all you need’s a web browser,
- Automatic saving and word count updates,
- Automatic backups to GoogleDrive and Dropbox,
- Writing statistics.
Free trial available.
Ulysses Everett
4. MS Word (Windows and Mac) – From $149.99/£119.99 for standalone licence – Microsoft
What can I say about MS Word that hasn’t already been said? This program is one of the most popular, and widespread, word processors on the market. It’s so widely utilised that almost all publishers and agents require electronically-submitted manuscripts in the .doc and .docx formats.
Key features:
Ulysses Evernote 比較
- Used industry wide,
- Simple(ish) to use,
- WYSIWYG editor with almost an almost limitless template library.
5. Pages (Mac and iOS) – From $9.99/£14.99 – Apple
Pages is Apple’s answer to the juggernaught that is Microsoft Word and, like its counterpart, I haven’t really got much to say about it. It’s a fully functional word processing software with Apple’s ubiquitous minimal design.
Ulysses Everett Mcgill Quotes
Key features:
- WYSIWYG editor,
- Cheaper alternative to MS Word for iOS and Mac,
- Seamless iCloud syncing,
- Works on iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
6. Evernote (Windows and Mac) – From Free – Evernote Corporation
Ulysses Event
Before I discovered Novlr and Ulysses, Evernote was my go to application for writing on the move. With its myriad of note-taking features (text, photo, ever audio notes) and cross-platform applications, you’ll never find yourself in a position where you can’t meet your daily word count (except through procrastination but that’s your problem, not mine).
Key features:
- You can attach pretty much anything to a note,
- Cross-platform syncing,
- Web-clipping plugins allow you to keep all your research together.