Here’s how to remove the Silverlight was blocked because it is out of date and needs to be updated popups that prevent users from viewing websites and videos that require Silverlight. Since we do standard monthly patching we wanted to allow our users to view websites and videos without having to install the latest Silverlight plugin everytime Microsoft releases an update.
Here are two different ways that you can prevent the popup and blocking of Silverlight.
Go to the Start Menu, open RUN and type CMD. Click OK
- As long as Silverlight is downloaded from an official download channel, such as the Microsoft website or through a Windows update, it should be perfectly safe. Due to the nature of the app, failing to keep it properly up to date could make it unsafe, so always install new updates.
- As long as Silverlight is downloaded from an official download channel, such as the Microsoft website or through a Windows update, it should be perfectly safe. Due to the nature of the app, failing to keep it properly up to date could make it unsafe, so always install new updates.
- The Silverlight 5 for Windows download version 5.1.40620.0 is available. It includes all security fixes in MS15-044 (MS15-044: Description of the security update for Silverlight 5: May 12, 2015) and is functionally identical to Silverlight 5 for Windows version 5.1.40416.0. This download is an upgrade for earlier versions of Silverlight.
The thing telling you to install Silverlight is just a standard fallback picture you will see if the Silverlight object cannot render in the page. The most common cause of that on Windows with Internet Explorer is the browser security settings.
Type or copy and paste the following:
reg add “HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExt” /v VersionCheckEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
Configure a GPO with Group Policy Preferences Registry Item:
Open Group Policy Management. Create a new GPO or edit an existing GPO.
Silverlight Update
Right Click on the GPO and select Edit.
Eco meditation free download. Go to User Configuration. Expand Preferences > Windows Settings and right click on Registry.
Select New and Click Registry Item.
Configure the following items:
Key Path: SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExt
Silverlight Update Message
Value Name: VersionCheckEnabled
Value Type: REG_DWORD
Value Data: 0
Close Group Policy Management Editor and test out the GPO.
There’s also issues with Chrome and Silverlight-
On Chrome version 45 or a later version of Chrome, there is no workaround for this issue. You must use a browser that supports Silverlight content to access a Silverlight page.
This issue occurs because these versions of Chrome block Netscape Plugin API (NPAPI) plugins from being displayed in the browser. Silverlight is an NPAPI plugin.
Macx video converter license code. Another application that is common in almost all environments is Silverlight, so in this post I will show you how to install Silverlight silently in three ways.
The first thing we need is the exe for Silverlight that can be found here:
Note: If you are running a 64-bit OS, the file will be the one for 64-bit. If you need the 32-bit exe, you need to download it from a computer running a 32-bit OS.
The first way
The most common way, and the easiest way is to use the *.exe file directly. I would recommend using this method when the application is installed with a TS through SCCM since applications has a tendency to fail for no apparent reason.
In this case the complete install string would be:
silverlight_x64.exe /q
The second way
The second way is to use the *.msi file and the *.msp file that is included in the downloaded *.exe file.
The first thing is to extract the content of the *.exe file. To do this, run the following command in a elevated command prompt:
silverlight_x64.exe /extract
The following files will be extracted:
The *.msp file is located in the “silverlight.7z” file, so go ahead and extract the file to same folder as the other files. When done, you can delete all files except the *.msi and *.msp file.
Before we can do a silent installation of Silverlight, we need to uninstall the old version that is installed on the client. The command that should be used is the following:
msiexec.exe /X{89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00} /qn
Then we can install the new version by running the following command:
msiexec /i silverlight.msi /update Silverlight.msp ALLUSERS=2 /qn /LiV %temp%Silverlight5.log
The third way
Well, to be honest, this isn’t really a third way to install. But this paragraph will tell you something that you need to know if you don’t want your users to manually update Silverlight. We need to add/update two registry values to disable this feature.
The two items are located in the following key:
And are named:
- UpdateConsentMode
- UpdateMode
Give these a value of “0” to completely disable the automatic update of Silverlight.
If they are not present, you can just create them as a new “DWORD”.
Happy deployment!