Vscode Cheat Sheet Mac

Hey Finxters!! It is time for another cheat sheet!! Cheat sheets are super helpful if you are looking to become a Python freelancer. Some of the basics need to be condensed and learned quickly to get you on your way. You will also need to know the IDE you are working with and their shortcuts. Knowing how to work in VS Code is half the battle, knowing the shortcuts will make your developing life much easier! Let us tarry no longer and dive into Visual Studio Code IDE!

Install and Setup VSCode Preface/Explanation. VSCode is the text-editor that we support in this class for editing files. We recommend VSCode because it is a feature-rich text editor that has a wide array of different community-made packages that we use in. Downloadable quick ref pdfs. We have compiled the most used, and most useful, keyboard shortcuts into a downloadable pdf file. We have two versions, one that shows shortcuts for Visual Studio for Mac, and a version that shows Visual Studio shorts side-by-side for users that have prior experience with Visual Studio when using Windows. This cheat sheet is written for Mac OS for Apple users. The cheat sheet does not print but it does have everything you need from VS Code and it keyboard shortcuts on a Mac computer. Pros: Great for Mac users. Cons: Does not print. Cheat Sheet 10: Arunkumar. Download Cheat Sheet on Visual Studio Code Shortcuts. There are many shortcuts that are used in the Visual Studios Code to help its user work fast and more efficiently. What is Visual Studio Code? Visual Studio Code is an application basically designed to carry out work in relation to code.

Cheat Sheet 1: Visual Studio

Straight from the source of Visual Studio, this cheat sheet is specifically designed with all of the shortcuts for Windows users. Rejoice if you use Windows like I do. You can print this cheat sheet and pin it to the wall or place it in your developers binder.

Pros: Perfect cheat sheet to have, all shortcuts are available

Cons: Designed specifically for Windows.

Cheat Sheet 2: ShortcutFoo

Bookmark this cheat sheet from Shortcut Foo. It has all of your shortcuts listed and this is a great way to test yourself on learning the keyboard commands through finger muscle repetition.


Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone.

Cons: Does not print.

Cheat Sheet 3: Devhint.io

Visual studio code cheat sheet osx

This cheat sheet is written by Rico, a fellow developer like us! He has a modest collection of cheat sheets he has written. This cheat sheet should be bookmarked and is written for VS code ver. 1.19

Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone.

Cons: Doesn’t print, is for an older version of VS Code.

Cheat Sheet 4: Visual Studio

This cheat sheet is also from Visual Studio like the first however this cheat sheet is designed for Linux users! Keep it on hand when you are working in VS Code. Print it and pin it to the wall behind the monitor

Pros: Perfect for Linux users with all keyboard shortcuts shown

Cons: Designed for specifically for Linux

Cheat Sheet 5: Visual Studio

Final one from Visual Studio! This cheat sheet is for Mac users. I really wanted to make sure all OS systems are covered so how could I forget the Mac users? Print this sheet and pin it to the wall or in you developers binder to keep it handy


Pros: Perfect for Mac users with all keyboard shortcuts shown.

Cons: Designed for Mac specifically.

Cheat Sheet 6: Log Rocket

Here is another cheat sheet that you can print from Log Rocket, a front-end monitoring company. This cheat sheet is for Windows, and contains the short cuts you will need to work the keyboard shortcuts.

Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone

Cons: None that I can see.

Cheat Sheet 7: GitTower

Git Tower has a two sheet pdf cheat sheet for the Mac Edition OS. It takes the time to explain the terminal, editor splits and keyboard shortcut preferences. This cheat sheet is really useful for Mac OS Users.

Pros: Gives explanations and infographics.

Cons: Written for Mac Operating Systems

Cheat Sheet 8: MakeUseOf

This cheat sheet is made for Windows OS and even has a free download available that is sent straight to your inbox. Print it and keep it close at hand when you go to work in Python using VS Code.

Pros: Free download straight to you inbox on useful information.

Cons: None that I can see.

Cheat Sheet 9: Kapeli

This cheat sheet is written for Mac OS for Apple users. The cheat sheet does not print but it does have everything you need from VS Code and it keyboard shortcuts on a Mac computer.

Pros: Great for Mac users.

Cons: Does not print.

Vs Code Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet 10: Arunkumar

This cheat is one that you will want to bookmark!! By far, the most comprehensive cheat sheet with shortcuts for all 3 main OS systems( Windows, Linux, Mac) it includes a quick guide to changing the keyboard shortcuts with visuals.

Pros: Rated ‘E’ for everyone. The best one by far

Cons: Does not print. Other than that, none that I can see.

Mac Cheat Sheet Pdf

I hope that these cheat sheets will be useful to you on your Python Freelance Journey. These cheat sheets cover the 3 main OS systems, most of which you can print and keep on hand as you work projects in VS Code. If you are unsure on where to start, I would humbly suggest VS Code website itself. All of the documentation is there for you to get an in depth look into VS Code as an IDE. Click the link below for a deeper look into Visual Studio Code.


Tutorial: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/introvideos/basics

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This is my personal cheat sheet for Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code). Mainly, this is to record little commands and things that I am constantly forgetting (especially unique ones related to the unique plugins I use).

Keyboard shortcuts for Windows


Show Command PaletteCTRL + SHIFT + P, F1
Quick Open, Go to File…CTRL + P
New window/instanceCTRL + SHIFT + N
Close window/instanceCTRL + SHIFT + W
User SettingsCTRL + ,
Keyboard ShortcutsCTRL + KCTRL + S

Basic editing

Cut line (empty selection)Ctrl + X
Copy line (empty selection)Ctrl + C
Move line up/downAlt + /
Copy line up/downShift + Alt + /
Delete lineCtrl + Shift + K
Insert line belowCtrl + Enter
Insert line aboveCtrl + Shift + Enter
Jump to matching bracketCtrl + Shift +
Indent/outdent lineCtrl + ] / [
Go to beginning/end of lineHome / End
Go to beginning of fileCtrl + Home
Go to end of fileCtrl + End
Scroll line up/downCtrl + /
Scroll page up/downAlt + PgUp / PgDn
Fold (collapse) regionCtrl + Shift + [
Unfold (uncollapse) regionCtrl + Shift + ]
Fold (collapse) all subregionsCtrl + KCtrl + [
Unfold (uncollapse) all subregionsCtrl + KCtrl + ]
Fold (collapse) all regionsCtrl + KCtrl + 0
Unfold (uncollapse) all regionsCtrl + KCtrl + J
Add line commentCtrl + KCtrl + C
Remove line commentCtrl + KCtrl + U
Toggle line commentCtrl + /
Toggle block commentShift + Alt + A
Toggle word wrapAlt + Z


Show all SymbolsCTRL + T
Go to Line...CTRL + G
Go to File...CTRL + P
Go to Symbol...CTRL + SHIFT + O
Show Problems panelCTRL + SHIFT + M
Go to next error or warningF8
Go to previous error or warningSHIFT + F8
Navigate editor group historyCTRL + SHIFT + TAB
Go back / forwardALT + /
Toggle Tab moves focusCTRL + M

Search and replace

FindCTRL + F
ReplaceCTRL + H
Find next/previousF3 / SHIFT + F3
Select all occurences of Find matchALT + ENTER
Add selection to next Find matchCTRL + D
Move last selection to next Find matchCTRL + K CTRL + D
Toggle case-sensitive / regex / whole wordALT + C / R / W
Mac cheat sheet app

Multi-cursor and selection

Insert cursorALT + Click
Insert cursor above / belowCTRL + ALT + /
Undo last cursor operationCTRL + U
Insert cursor at end of each line selectedSHIFT + ALT + I
Select current lineCTRL + L
Select all occurrences of current selectionCTRL + SHIFT + L
Select all occurrences of current wordCTRL + F2
Expand selectionSHIFT + ALT +
Shrink selectionSHIFT + ALT +
Column (box) selectionSHIFT + ALT + (drag mouse)
Column (box) selectionCTRL + SHIFT + ALT + (arrow key)
Column (box) selection page up/downCTRL + SHIFT + ALT + PgUp / PgDn

Rich languages editing

Trigger suggestionCTRL + SPACE
Trigger parameter hintsCTRL + SHIFT + SPACE
Format documentSHIFT + ALT + F
Format selectionCTRL + K CTRL + F
Go to DefinitionF12
Peek DefinitionALT + F12
Open Definition to the sideCTRL + KF12
Quick FixCTRL + .
Show ReferencesSHIFT + F12
Rename SymbolF2
Trim trailing whitespaceCTRL + KCTRL + X
Change file languageCTRL + KM

Editor management

Close editorCTRL + F4, CTRL +
Close folderCTRL + KF
Split editorCTRL +
Focus into 1st, 2nd or 3rd editor groupCTRL + 1 / 2 / 3
Focus into previous/next editor groupCTRL + K CTRL + /
Move editor left/rightCTRL + SHIFT + PgUp / PgDn
Move active editor groupCTRL + K /

File management

New FileCTRL + N
Open File...CTRL + O
SaveCTRL + S
Save As...CTRL + SHIFT + S
Save AllCTRL + K S
CloseCTRL + F4
Close AllCTRL + KCTRL + W
Reopen closed editorCTRL + SHIFT + T
Enter Keep preview mode editor openCTRL + K
Open nextCTRL + Tab
Open previousCTRL + SHIFT + Tab
Copy path of active fileCTRL + K P
Reveal active file in ExplorerCTRL + K R
Show active file in new window/instanceCTRL + K O


Mac Basics 101 Cheat Sheet

Toggle full screenF11
Toggle editor layout (horizontal/vertical)SHIFT + ALT + 0
Zoom in/outCTRL + = / -
Toggle Sidebar visibilityCTRL + B
Show Explorer / Toggle focusCTRL + SHIFT + E
Show SearchCTRL + SHIFT + F
Show Source ControlCTRL + SHIFT + G
Show DebugCTRL + SHIFT + D
Show ExtensionsCTRL + SHIFT + X
Replace in filesCTRL + SHIFT + H
Toggle Search detailsCTRL + SHIFT + J
Show Output panelCTRL + SHIFT + U
Open Markdown previewCTRL + SHIFT + V
Open Markdown preview to the sideCTRL + K V
Zen Mode (Esc Esc to exit)CTRL + K Z


Toggle breakpointF9
StopSHIFT + F5
Step into/outF11 / SHIFT + F11
Step overF10
Show hoverCTRL + K CTRL + I

Integrated terminal

Show integrated terminalCTRL + `
Create new terminalCTRL + SHIFT + `
Copy selectionCTRL + C
Paste into active terminalCTRL + V
Scroll up/downCTRL + ↑ / ↓
Scroll page up/downSHIFT + PgUp / PgDn
Scroll to top/bottomCTRL + Home / End

For other operating systems’ keyboard shortcuts and additional information, see Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code.

Preference settings

Following is NOT an exhaustive list of all preference settings that are available. There are more, but these are just the ones I have so far found useful.

To access settings, go to File > Preferences > Settings, or press CTRL + ,

editor.minimap.enabledControls whether the minimap is shown.
editor.renderControlCharactersControls whether the editor should render control characters.
editor.renderWhitespaceControls whether the editor should render whitespace characters.
explorer.compactFoldersControls whether the explorer should render folders in a compact form. In such a form, single child folders will be compressed in a combined tree element. Useful for Java package structures, for example.
html.autoClosingTagsEnable/disable autoclosing of HTML tags.
javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabledEnable/disable automatic updating of import paths when you rename or move a file in VS Code. Requires using TypeScript 2.9 or newer in the workspace.
window.zoomLevelAdjust the zoom level of the window. The original size is 0 and each increment above (e.g. 1) or below (e.g. -1) represents zooming 20% larger or smaller. You can also enter decimals to adjust the zoom level with a finer granularity.
workbench.tree.indentControls tree indentation in pixels.
workbench.tree.renderIndentGuidesControls whether the tree should render indent guides.


HTML Tag Wrap

Macbook Cheat Sheet

Plugin dependency: htmltagwrap

Wraps selected code with HTML tags.


  • Select one or more blocks of text or strings of text.
  • Press Alt + W or Option + W for Mac.
  • Type the tag name you want.

By default, pressing spacebar will deselect the closing tags, so you can add attributes to the opening tags (you can turn this feature off, see below). If nothing is selected when you run htmltagwrap, it will add an opening and closing tag at the cursor position.

NOTE: This extension works best in files that either use tabs or spaces for indentation. It may not work as well with mixed tabs/spaces.